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Assiniboine River Watershed Source Water Protection Plan
The Assiniboine River and its tributaries are located in eastern Saskatchewan and western Manitoba. Within Saskatchewan, the Assiniboine River Watershed covers an area of 17,300 square kilometres and includes 24 rural municipalities, eight towns, 15 villages, and the cities of Melville and Yorkton. The focus of this plan, consistent with Saskatchewan’s Safe Drinking Water Strategy, is to protect source waters in the Assiniboine River Basin within the Province of Saskatchewan.
Yorkton Area Aquifers Source Water Protection Plan
In 2002, the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority collaborated with local municipalities and interest groups in the Yorkton area to establish an Advisory Committee for a vital planning project. The Yorkton Area Aquifers Source Water Protection Plan is the result of this planning process. The plan contains a series of objectives, recommendations, and key actions intended to protect surface and groundwater supplies in the Yorkton area and provide an action plan to address issues.